Published On: Wed, Jun 21st, 2017

Tips For Getting More Followers On Instagram

More and more people are using Instagram on a daily basis.  With millions and millions of daily active users, it’s no secret why it isn’t just a place where people go for pleasure, but it is also a very helpful business platform.

The number of followers you have says something about the quality of your product.  Even though this might not necessarily be an accurate representation of how many people you have in the real world or whether or not you are actually the best product on the market, it is a seal of approval to other Instagram users.  In order to reach this level of success, you have to have a certain amount of followers.  Not sure how to get in that high bracket?  Here are some of the best tips for getting the maximum amount of followers.

Anne Curtis Instagram

Keep Your Posts Relevant

When posting makes sure that you are posting things that are relevant to whatever you stand for.  If you have an account providing information to start-up tech businesses, then you probably aren’t going to want to post a funny puppy video out of the blue.

Keeping your account consistent so that people know exactly what they are getting into is important in order to keep the interest of your followers.  Therefore, before posting something that you think of on a whim, stop and ask yourself whether you think that this is really something that would be in the best interest of your page.  If you can’t live without posting it, consider creating a separate personal account for things like this.

Follow For Follow

Popular Instagram courtesy is practicing follow for following.  This means that if you follow someone they agree to follow you back and vice versa.

You can find certain websites which are dedicated to connecting people like this who want to partake in this give and take.  Otherwise, you can simply use the hashtag, #followforfollow which should bring you some followers.

Interact With Your Followers

In order to be engaging and keeping up with the needs of your followers, you should constantly be engaging.  This means liking posts, commenting, and responding if someone comments on one of your posts.

If you are never commenting back on things then this can lead to people getting bored or feeling as if it is a one-sided interaction.

Use a Third Party Service

There are a variety of apps which help connect Instagram users.  It is an automated service which will go in and like posts for you as well as follow and unfollow throughout the day in order to keep a steady stream going.

These services cost money but can increase your number of followers by thousands within days.

Author: Anna Johansson

photo Zachary Quinto Instagram


Photo/Anne Curtis Instagram

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